
科学荣誉学生的特点是什么? Being an 荣誉 Student in the sciences is not about working harder or taking more classes. It’s not about 检查ing a box that will help you get into graduate or professional schools. Instead, it’s about the thrill of becoming a scientist!




在接下来的四年里, you can become part of an honors program that is unique in undergraduate science education. You will have opportunities to see the way scientific knowledge shapes the understanding of our world, conduct your own original re搜索 anywhere in the country, and share this work with scientists across the country and around the world.



Begin with a classroom experience that goes beyond knowledge. Take 基金会 and 核心 classes with fellow science students as you explore the place of science in our understanding of being human. Delve into science courses with 荣誉 Increments courses such as the Ethics of Stem Cell Re搜索 or field trips to study the natural history of Kentucky. Take a seminar class in which you read cutting edge scientific re搜索 – and meet the scientists who wrote these papers!


在大二或大三的时候, 收到4美元,000 fellowship to support a 10-week summer re搜索 internship with professors at GC or with re搜索 scientists anywhere! 从约翰霍普金斯大学到斯坦福大学, 杜克大学, 范德比尔特, 科罗拉多州立, 加州大学洛杉矶分校, 或国家癌症研究所, Georgetown students have done ground-breaking re搜索 with academic, government and industry scientists across the country.


As a junior or senior, become a partner in the scientific community. Present your re搜索 at regional or national conferences attended by scientists across the U.S. or publish in the leading scientific journals in your field. Your work will not just make a different to your future, it will impact the world!




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